End to End Ottoman-Turkish Conversion

Ottoman-Turkish Conversion

Scanning.. Segmenting..
RAR, ZIP, PDF, JPG, PNG, WEBP Drop a file
Select a file
Document - {v filename_formatted ?? "Document" v}


Ottoman Alphabet
The first three lines of the output are shown below
Ottoman (Ottoman Alphabet)
The first three lines of the output are shown below
{v translationTarget v}
Ottoman (Turkish Alphabet)
The first three lines of the output are shown below
Ottoman (Turkish Alphabet)

Handwriting Examples
Click the image for conversion to Turkish

Rika 143_obdenahcivan-542011
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 91.99%
Rika 161_arazivetapu-157
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 95.61%
Rika Kagithane-238
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 86.12%
Rika Hatt_i_Humayun_Rehberi-213
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 77.61%
Rika msb-sayi_141_belge-141
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 90.70%
Rika mecmua-222a (302)
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 90.45%
Rika OBDe surrealaylari-900002
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 94.94%
Rika OBSurreAlaylari 910002
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 89.55%
Rika IstiklalMarsi (1253-74)
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 87.53%
Rika Çeviriler (tapu-06)
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 92.91%
Rika msb-sayi-141 (ATBD_141_belge-189)
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 88.40%
Rika SariSaltuk-36
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 89.73%
Rika İTPH0000100035-2
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 85.19%
Rika BEO000154011504002 8
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 89.26%
Rika DHMKT0140900049001-2
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 89.43%
Rika YAHUS0017800022-1
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 95.83%
Rika  Hak dini kuran dili 389
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 95.72%
Rika 146 OBdeMisir 181
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 96.32%
Rika 137Osmanlı Iran İlişkileri 077
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 91.61%
Rika sozler 058
OCR Accuracy Ratio: 95.35%

Printed Examples
Click the image for conversion to Turkish


End-to-End Conversion of Ottoman Documents to Modern Turkish Project A 3-step solution to a 100-year-old problem:

(i) Ottoman OCR
(ii) Ottoman-Turkish Transliteration
(iii) Ottoman-Turkish Translation

osmanlica türkçe uçtan uça çeviri sistemi
Step 1

Ottoman OCR

Upload an image of an Ottoman document and convert it to Ottoman editable text with the OCR tool... If you can't read the Ottoman text, don't worry, continue with Step 2.

Step 2


Transliterate text from the Arabic-based Ottoman alphabet to the Latin-based Turkish alphabet with the alphabet transliteration tool. Now you can read the Ottoman text, but if you don't understand, don't worry, continue with step 3.

Step 3


Translate Ottoman text with Arabic and Persian words and phrases into Modern Turkish with the language translator tool to understand.

%50 off for professors and students

The OCR prices will be marked down %50 for university professors & students. The discount will be applied by the system based on your email extension (edu.tr) automatically. The discount will be shown at the payment step. This sale will expire in a year. Mina ARGE reserves the right to change or cancel the discount programme at any time without prior notification.

End to End Ottoman-Turkish Conversion

Türkiye's Vision Project in Social Sciences

Osmanlıca.com is a project supported by Tübitak. The whole project has been designed to make End-to-End Ottoman-Turkish Translation.


To Develop the necessary software technology for the conversion of Ottoman documents to today's Turkish by using artificial intelligence and information technologies.


Converting millions of pages of Ottoman documents in archives and libraries into Modern Turkish in a short time and making them available to our people.

Ottoman OCR

Converting from a picture (Old Turkish written in the old alphabet) to text


Converting the Old Turkish text written in the old alphabet to today's alphabet. EXAMPLE: Devlet-i Âl-i Osmanî -> Great Ottoman Empire


Translating Old Turkish Text into New (Contemporary-Modern) Turkish. EXAMPLE: Devlet-i Âl-i Osmanî -> Great Ottoman Empire

iphone 2

Image Processing

Ottoman documents are enhanced with image processing. Better results are obtained in Ottoman OCR.

Natural Language Processing

An Ottoman text in the Arabic-based Ottoman Alphabet is translated into a text in the Latin-based Turkish Alphabet.

Deep Learning

High success has been achieved by using Deep Learning models.

Who are We?

Meet our Computer Scientists

Atakan Kurt

Doç.Dr. Atakan Kurt

İshak Dölek

Dr. İshak Dölek

Hasan Sarman

Hasan Sarman

Senior AI Engineer
Bünyamin Kurt

Bünyamin Kurt

Senior Software Engineer
Batuhan Manav

Batuhan Manav


Meet our Digital Humanities Team

Gülay Porgalı

Gülay Porgalı (PhD Cand.)

Nermin Genç

Dr. Nermin Genç

Adile Özgünay

Adile Özgünay

Sare Uzan

Sare Uzan (PhD Cand.)

Seyfeddin Akdöl

Seyfeddin Akdöl

Azra Işık

Azra Işık

Rabia Korkmaz

Rabia Korkmaz



If you have any questions, please contact us ([email protected]) Email us and reply here

Contact Form

Contact us for your questions


Address Entertech Ofis 322 Avcılar

Phone +90 212 691 64 26

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